How long a domain is valid for, is up to the Registrant. At, a registered, or transferred domain is valid for a minimum period of 1 year from the date of registration.
Domains can be registered for longer periods at a time, currently the maximum period is 10 years.
The Period a Domain is Valid – Registration Periods
A domain name is typically registered and valid for one year, although you can choose to register it with from 2 up to 10 years at a time.
When you register a domain name, keep track of the expiration date and ensure you renew it before it expires. You will need to renew it annually (or as per the registration period if more than one year) prior to expiry.
Table of Contents
Additional Information:
Domain Renewal Notifications
You will receive automated Renewal Notices at 60 days, 30 days, 14 days, 7 days and 1 day approaching the date of the renewal of your domain name. The final notice will be sent on the due date of renewal.
Domain Auto-Renew
If a domain is set to Auto Renew the system will automatically renew it on the due date if there is a valid credit card on the account – meaning that you do not have to manually renew it each year.
Domain Expiry
There are strict ICANN domain expiry protocols in place, to ensure that Registrants are given the maximum amount of notifications to ensure the timeous renewal of their domain names.
Domain Redemption
Should it go into Domain Redemption, you still have a brief window in which to renew it, however you will have to pay a Redemption Fee as well as the domain renewal fee. After the Redemption period has passed and you have chosen to not renew your domain, it will be made available for purchase to the global market.
Automated Domain Renewal Billing
Note: runs an Automated Billing system which will suspend services if there is any amount outstanding. Invoices must be paid on their due dates, as 10 days after that your domain will go into Redemption and you will have to pay a Redemption Fee in addition to the Renewal Fee.
Log into Account
Login into your Account to check your domain expiry or renewal dates.
1. Go to the Login website page.
2. Enter your Email and Password and click the “Sign In” button.