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Apple Mail is an email application that is included with Apple’s Mac OS X operating system. Here are three options available to locate the Apple Mail Application on an iOS device, as well as how to add Apple Mail to your Dock. 

Option 1:  Access via Applications Folder

  • Click on the “Finder” icon located in your Mac’s dock, so that the Finder window will open.
  • In the left sidebar of the Finder window, click on “Applications.” This will display a list of applications installed on your Mac.
  • Scroll through the list of applications in the “Applications” folder until you find “Mail.”
    – The icon resembles an envelope with a blue swoosh.
  • Alternatively, you can use the search bar at the top-right corner of the Finder window and type “Mail” to locate the application.
Access Application Folder

Option 2:  Use Spotlight Search to Locate Apple Mail Application

  • Click the magnifying glass icon at the top right corner of your desktop. Begin typing the word “Mail” in the box… then click on Mail when it appears.
Use Spotlight Search

Option 3:  Finder Window

Another way to open Apple Mail is to open a new Finder Window. To do this, click “File” and then “New Finder Window”.

Finder Window

Adding Apple Mail to Your Dock

Easily access Apple Mail in the future by adding the icon to your Mac’s dock. To do this, find “Mail” application in the “Applications” folder, then drag and drop its icon onto the dock.

Tip Add To Dock

That’s it! You have successfully found, opened, and potentially set up Apple Mail on your Mac.

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