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Anyone that wants website hosting i.e., to have their website on the internet, needs to either have, or use the services of, a web hosting server. What that means is your website’s data needs to be stored on a server that has been specifically set up to ensure users have access to it and that it functions correctly. In simple terms, web hosting is renting space on a physical server for your website.

This guide will simplify the basics of website hosting to help you understand what it is and how it works so you can step into the digital realm with confidence.

Internet Access

Your gateway to the online world and website hosting services comes via an authorized Internet Service Provider (ISP). An ISP provides the interface from your device to the web through various methods that access data exchange points. It is crucial to opt for an ISP registered with a reputable Internet Service Providers’ association.


Think of a website as your electronic business showcase, that is a digital publication displaying your products and services. Your website is stored on a web hosting server and made accessible to people worldwide.

Before getting into what website hosting is, there are several terms used in conjunction with this process, which you need to familiarize yourself with.



Data refers to the electronic format of information, including text, images, document files, audio, and videos. Usually, a domain hosting account will include email accounts, so data transmission (called traffic) is monitored when someone views your website, or you send and receive emails.

Data Size

Data Size is measured in Kilobytes (KB), Megabytes (MB), Gigabytes (GB), and Terabytes (TB).


Bandwidth is the term used to quantify the amount of data transmitted to and from your website hosting and email accounts. Bandwidth can be affected by peak traffic hours; the increased amount of traffic can potentially impact data download and upload speeds. Your bandwidth is replenished monthly.

Disk Space

Disk Space is the server storage allocation for your website and email data. Think of it as the shelf space in the library (Data Center) where your information is stored.

Data Center

Data Center is comparable to a ‘computer library’ that houses banks of servers for multiple clients. Data centers are strictly controlled secure environments with 24/7 power, redundancy, and protection measures to ensure absolute server safety, stability, and security of the website hosting platform.

Domain Renewal

Domain is a website’s unique name, usually renewed annually. However, this is relevant to the original registration period and may vary between 2-10 years. If it is allowed to expire, and not renewed, then the domain becomes available to the global public to acquire. Domains are issued by authorized bodies globally. For more info about choosing a domain, read this article.

If you would like to check if your domain name is available, please go to our Domain Registration page and use the easy search facility.


Server is the physical computer where your website files reside. It serves those files to users when they access your site. Hosting servers should be top of the range in both hardware and software, providing a powerful, stable, and secure environment, and use bandwidth like a normal computer. Their internal software programs should be state of the art and completely security and backup focused on all fronts.

Website Hosting

After creating your website, it will require hosting, which means copying all the content files into a secure “digital library” – data center for public access. Your website files are uploaded to an ISP’s website hosting server that has been specifically set up for secure internet access. When your site is visible to the global public, it is called “going live.”

Support and Expertise

Hosted.com is here to guide you through every step of this journey. Our knowledgeable Sales and Support staff are available to answer your questions. Do not hesitate to reach out for assistance.


Register your Domain name

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