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The Registrant of a domain name will own the domain, and their details are entered on the domain registration not the ISP’s.

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Who Will Own the Domain Name?

Many web hosting providers offer domain name registration as part of their services. This can be a convenient option if you want to manage both your website and domain name from a single platform.

When you register a domain, you are the Registrant of the domain and will now own the domain. You have complete ownership of the domain name. Your chosen Internet Service Provider (ISP)/web hosting provider is only responsible for hosting your website by providing server space for your site’s files and data along with maintenance and security of the server itself.

Therefore, if you decide to do your domain registration through a web hosting provider, they are not the Registrants and do not own the domain name.

All of the domain’s registration details are associated with the Registrant (the domain name’s owner) and not the ISP. Once you own the domain, your details are entered with the a TLD’s Registry, not your hosting provider’s.

When you register a domain name, you are its legal owner. The ISP is simply providing you with the infrastructure to make your site accessible on the web.

Domain Registries

Domain Registries manage the registration and allocation of domain names within the TLDs for which they are responsible. There is a global database of all domain names with their Top Level Domains (TLDs) , gTLDs or ccTLDs in the Domain Name System (DNS).

Domain Registries create and maintain domain names for their specific TLD, which can be country codes (ccTLD) like .us or generics (gTLD) like .com. When a domain is registered, the Registrar, who acts as the intermediary between the registrant and the relevant Domain Registry, will submit all the domain owner’s details to the registry.

Additional Information

The WHOIS Database

When a domain name is registered, a Domain Registrar is required to capture the domain owner’s information and share it with the WHOIS database. It ensures sure that every domain name registered is unique and that no users have the same domain name. The WHOIS database is publicly accessible and can be used to search for information about domain names and who owns them.

It can help users check domain name availability via a WHOIS Lookup Tool. This is also useful when checking a domain name’s purchase and expiry dates, confirming your registration details are correct and verifying a website’s legitimacy.

Domain Registrant Details

All domain Registrant’s registration information is publicly available on the Internet, however, due to the Private Information Acts of numerous countries, Registrants can now request Domain Privacy and their Registrar’s will often use their generic administrative information to be displayed instead of the private individual or company who will own the domain..

The Domain Name System (DNS)

Every website on the internet has an Internet Protocol (IP) address assigned to it. The Domain Name System (DNS) protocol translates domain names into TCP/IP addresses for computers and devices identify and view websites.

In simpler terms, the DNS is as address book for the internet. When a person enters a website’s domain name into a browser, the DNS translates the domain name into an IP address so a computer can connect to the website.

The DNS is made up of a network of servers. When you type a website’s address into your browser, your device will send a request to a DNS server to convert the domain name into an IP address. The DNS server responds with the IP address assigned to that site, allowing your computer to connect to access it.

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