When you register a domain name with a hosting services company you are not obligated to host your website with them as well. Domain registration and web hosting exist as two separate offerings that give users the flexibility to choose between different service providers.
At Hosted.com, we provide free DNS hosting, giving you the flexibility to point your domain to a different hosting provider (not URL) if that’s your preference.
Bear in mind, it is not necessary to take out hosting when you register your domain if your website is not ready to go live, unless that hosting includes a Website Builder which you are going to use to build your actual website.
However, should you wish to maintain a professional image from the start, we would suggest that you consider taking out Email Hosting so your email communications reflect your domain name.
Email Only Hosting
| Website Builder
Table of Contents
Additional Information:
Register a Domain and Hosting Services
Offering distinctly different services, here are some of the characteristics of domain registration and web hosting:
Domain Registration
- Involves securing a unique web address (such as yourdomain.TLD) for a website.
- Hosting companies, like Hosted.com provide services to users allowing them to register a domain name and act as intermediaries between individuals or businesses and the domain name registrar.
- Once a domain is registered it enables visitors to access your website by typing the URL address of the domain name into their browser.
- For more information on how to register a domain name for your website, please read our blog: Transform Your Business Dreams Into a Reality With The Perfect Domain Name.
Web Hosting
- These services are needed to store your website’s files and data on servers connected to the internet. This information is then presented to the browser for your website visitors to view.
- Web hosting companies include services such as storage, bandwidth, server space, security, and other resources which are necessary to host a website.
- After purchasing a web hosting plan, you upload your website’s files to the hosting provider’s servers via an FTP ( File Transfer Protocol) application.
- Web hosting also ensures that your website remains online and accessible to visitors 24/7.
Why You Can Host Your Domain And Website With Different Companies
When you register a domain, and take out web hosting, they each offer their own set of options and providers. When you buy a domain, you are purchasing the rights to use that specific web address for your website.
Domain ownership will allow you to point it to any web hosting provider’s servers where your site’s files and data are stored and made accessible to internet users.
It has been common practice for users to register their domain name with one company and host their website with another. This is usually dependent on factors that include customer support, pricing, and other hosting requirements.
As an example, with Hosted.com you maintain the ownership of your domain name and may point it to any web hosting provider. This means you can choose Hosted.com to host your website or opt for another hosting company. However, before you do so, please speak to our Sales and Support people, as we may have a solution for you, once your requirements have been clarified.
Why You Should Choose Hosted.com For Domain And Website Hosting
With Hosted.com, you can register a domain, or consider any one of our plans that bundle domain registration with hosting services, and include other features, such as Malware Protection, free SSL Certificates, as well as free domain name registration* with certain cPanel Web Hosting, Email Hosting and WordPress Hosting options.
By hosting your domain and website with Hosted.com, you benefit from seamless integration between your domain and hosting services. This integration can ease the management of tasks, such as DNS configuration and domain renewal, as everything is managed within one platform.
Hosted.com provides a user-friendly Control Panel. Which allows you to manage your website, domain settings, email accounts, and other hosting features, effortlessly. The intuitive interface makes website management tasks simple, even for beginners.
However, if you’re running a WordPress website, Hosted.com also offers WordPress Hosting plans which are optimized for security, performance, and reliability. These plans include features such as automatic WordPress updates, built-in caching, and expert WordPress support, to name a few.
With reliable customer support, Hosted.com staff are ready to assist you with any domain or hosting-related issues, should they arise. Whether you have questions about domain registration, website setup, or technical troubleshooting, Hosted.com’s support team is available to provide prompt assistance and guidance – or you can simply log a ticket.
* Ts & Cs Apply
DISCLAIMER: Any pricing reflected on images is for demonstration/reference purposes only and does not constitute actual pricing. E&OE.
Free Domain Registration applies to the following domain name extensions: .com, .online, and is only applicable at time of purchase.
Free Domain Registration depends on the selected hosting plan and only applies on 12, 24, and 36 month billing cycles. All listed prices exclude Premium domain names.