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How to backup a WordPress website with Hosted.com has never been easier, as we take the worry out of it for you, with daily Acronis backups of all our hosted WordPress servers and their websites.

If you need to restore your website and are uncertain as to how to proceed, please reach out to our Support Team and they will be happy to assist you.

WordPress Hosting

Additional Information:

A broken website is a site owner’s worst nightmare. Coding errors, incompatible plugins, or malware attacks can all cause a crash. Some of these errors can be fixed quickly, but there may be times when the situation is more serious. Fortunately, performing regular backups can ensure that when the unthinkable does happen, your pages can be restored quickly.  

In this guide we will look at two methods to manually backup a WordPress website using:

Manually Backup a WordPress website

  1. WordPress Toolkit (WP Toolkit) and
  2. cPanel Backup Manager,  
WordPress Toolkit Backup Steps:

WordPress Toolkit Backup is included in Hosted.com’s WordPress Hosting Plans. The WP Toolkit backs up an individual website quickly and does not require a lot of disk space.

Here are the steps to do a backup of a WordPress website using the WP Toolkit.

  1. Login to your Hosted.com account with your username and password.
  2. Navigate to the menu bar on the left side of the page and click on “Manage Services” and select “WordPress Hosting”.
Hosted.com Dashboard - Manage Services
  1. Find the domain you want to backup and click on “Manage” on the right side of the name.
  2. On the next screen under “Product Information” – click log in next to your Control Panel (cPanel)
  3. On the next page, click on the WP Toolkit logo on the right of the screen.
Backup a WordPress website with with WP Toolkit under the cPanel Dashboard
  1. On the WordPress Toolkit dashboard, select ‘Back Up / Restore.’
  2. From the slide-out menu, select the ‘Back Up’ button.
  3. WP Toolkit will now automatically create a backup for you.
cPanel Backup Manager Steps:

cPanel Backup Manager is included in Hosted.com’s WordPress Hosting Plans and backs up all your account’s websites and data.

Here are the steps to manually backup your WordPress website using cPanel. This is a more comprehensive backup and will include all websites, emails, and databases:

  1. Login to your Hosted.com account with your username and password.
  2. Once you have logged in, navigate to the “Control Panel” menu on the left side of the screen and select “Manage Services.”
  3. Select “WordPress Hosting” from the dropdown menu.
  4. Click on the “Manage” option on the right of your plan and select “Manage” again from the dropdown.
  5. Look for the “Product Information” section, find the “Control Panel” log in link. Click on it to log in to your cPanel dashboard.
  6. Inside cPanel, locate the “Tools” section on the right of the screen and scroll down until you find “Files” – click on it to open the folder and then click on “Backup Wizard”.
  7. In the Backup Wizard, you will see options for “Back Up” or “Restore.” Click the “Back Up” button to initiate the backup process.
  8. Next, click on the “Generate Backup” option. This action will create an archive containing all your website files and configurations.

 NOTE: A Full Back Up can ONLY be used to keep a copy on your own server or desktop, or when moving your account to another server – it CANNOT be used for a “Restore Back Up” through the cPanel interface.

  • A pop-up will then appear to confirm your backup request and notify you when your backup is complete.
  • You will then receive an email notification when the backup is done.
  • Check your email and click the provided link to confirm the successful backup.

Why Backing Up a WordPress Site is Important

WordPress backups work by saving your site’s pages, and content, as well as its database, in a single file. Backups are crucial because you never know when something could go wrong. In addition to technical problems and attacks, human error is always a possibility too. Backups play a vital role in helping keep your site safe so the frequency with which you make backups is key.

Having automatic backups of your WordPress site allows you to ‘set-and-forget’ them, which is the ideal situation, especially if you publish content every day or have an eCommerce site, having a backup every 24 hours is a solid idea.

While backups won’t prevent things from happening to your WordPress site, they will go a long way to getting it up and running again.

Hosted.com WordPress Backup Support

At Hosted.com, as mentioned previously, we do daily Acronis backups of all WordPress websites on our WordPress Hosting servers. Should you wish to ask us a question concerning backups, please reach out to our Support Team for assistance.

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