Header Text - Reduce HTTP Requests on WordPress Sites

When someone visits your WordPress website, their browser sends HTTP requests to your server. These will request images, styles, or scripts to load the page. The more requests your site needs to handle, the longer it takes to load. 

Therefore, one should reduce HTTP requests as this directly affects how fast your website performs. A fast website keeps visitors happy and helps your site rank better in search engines like Google. Slow websites often lose visitors; this can affect your online business or blog negatively.

This guide shows you what causes too many HTTP requests and suggests simple ways to reduce them. By the end, you’ll know how to make your WordPress site load quicker, improving user experience and SEO.


  • Reducing HTTP requests can make your WordPress website faster and improve the user experience.
  • Combine CSS and JavaScript files to reduce how many requests your site sends.
  • Minify HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create smaller file sizes for quicker loading.
  • Use lazy loading for images so they only load when users scroll to them.
  • WordPress will make fewer HTTP requests if you remove unnecessary images that don’t add value to your content to lighten your site.
  • Deactivate unused plugins to avoid extra requests and keep your site lean.
  • Limit external scripts like ads and widgets to the essential ones for better speed.
  • Use a CDN to deliver content faster by serving it from servers close to your visitors.
  • Regularly optimize and audit your site to ensure it runs smoothly and efficiently.

What are HTTP Requests? 

When someone accesses your WordPress website, their browser asks your server for the files it needs to display the page. These requests are called HTTP requests; they serve as a communication bridge between a web browser (like Chrome or Firefox) and a server that hosts a website.

When you type a website address into your browser or click a link, your browser sends a message to the server saying, “I need the files to display this page”. The server answers by returning the requested files, like text, images, stylesheets, or scripts. Here’s a simple example:

  1. You visit a blog.
  2. Your browser sends an HTTP request for the HTML file to structure the page.
  3. Then, it requests CSS to make the page look good and JavaScript for interactive features.
  4. It also fetches images, videos, or other media displayed on the page.

These requests happen fast, but too many will cause your website to load slowly. Therefore, optimizing requests makes your site faster and smoother.

Common Causes of High HTTP Requests on WordPress 

Having too many HTTP requests on WordPress often happens because of certain issues. One common cause is heavy themes with unnecessary features. Some WordPress themes include extra elements like animations or built-in sliders that load plenty of files, even if you don’t use them. 

Another problem is too many plugins. Each plugin you install can add files, increasing how many requests your site handles. 

Large images or media files can also cause issues. If you don’t compress images, they take longer to load, adding more strain on your server.  Poorly optimized JavaScript and CSS files are another issue. When these files aren’t combined or minified, your site loads multiple versions, creating more HTTP requests. 

Finally, external scripts, like Google Fonts, ads, or analytics tools may add additional requests that slow down your site. If you address these issues, you can reduce HTTP requests and improve your site’s speed

Check How Many HTTP Requests on Your Site

Checking how many HTTP requests your WordPress website makes is a simple way to understand what’s slowing it down. You can use free tools to do this quickly. 

One easy method is to use browser developer tools, like the ones in Google Chrome. To use them, right-click anywhere on your website and select Inspect.

Reduce HTTP Requests On WordPress Websites - Open Chrome Developer Tools

Then, click Network and refresh the page. You’ll see a list of all the files your browser requests, such as images, CSS, and JavaScript. The bottom of the panel shows the total number of HTTP requests. 

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Show Number of HTTP Requests

If you’re new to this, tools like GTmetrix, Pingdom, or WebPageTest are perfect for beginners. These tools analyze your website, count the total number of HTTP requests, provide individual counts of HTTP requests, such as how many requests were made to fetch images and suggest ways to reduce them.

They’re beginner-friendly and provide visual reports to help you optimize your site. Here are the HTTP request results for our sample web pages:

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Count Number of HTTP Requests Using GTMetrix
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Count Number of HTTP Requests Using Pingdom
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Count Number of HTTP Requests Using WebPageTest

By tracking and counting HTTP requests, you can identify problem areas, make fewer HTTP requests WordPress sites often struggle with, and speed up your website.

Now that you’ve understood what an HTTP request is, the reasons for frequent HTTP requests, and various ways to check how many, we explore how to reduce HTTP requests below.

7 Ways to Reduce HTTP Requests on WordPress Websites

Reducing HTTP requests is a simple yet powerful way to speed up your WordPress site. Let’s explore 7 proven methods to optimize performance and deliver faster load times.

Combine CSS & JavaScript Files 

When your WordPress site loads, it often requests multiple JavaScript and CSS files to display the page correctly. Each file adds an HTTP request, which can impact your website’s speed. Merging these files into one CSS file and one JavaScript file reduces how many requests your web server handles. 

Many caching plugins, like WP Rocket or Autoptimize, can do this automatically for you. These tools combine the files into fewer, larger files, making it easier for the browser to load your site quickly. Modern WordPress themes also sometimes have built-in options for combining CSS and JavaScript files. 

In the tutorial example, we use Autoptimize, because this plugin simplifies combining CSS and JavaScript files to reduce HTTP requests and improve your WordPress website’s speed. Here’s how you can do it:

Go to WordPress DashboardPlugins Add New Plugin. Search for autoptimize, install it, and activate the plugin.

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Install and Activate Autoptimize

Go to SettingsAutoptimize in your WordPress Dashboard. Locate JavaScript Options under JS, CSS, & HTML. Click the box labeled Optimize JavaScript Code? Below this, click Aggregate JS-files? to combine multiple JavaScript files into one.

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Combine JS Files

Now, you need to combine CSS files. To do that, scroll down to CSS Options. Check the boxes labeled Optimize CSS Code? and Aggregate CSS-files? to combine multiple CSS files into one. 

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Combine CSS Files

After making changes, always click Save Changes and Empty Cache to ensure the optimized files are loaded. 

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Save and Empty Cache

Now, visit your website to ensure it is loading correctly. You may also check for broken layouts or missing functionality, as combining files can sometimes cause conflicts.

If certain parts of your website are not displaying properly, go back to Settings Autoptimize. Exclude specific files causing issues by adding them to Exclude scripts from Autoptimize:

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Exclude Scripts from Autoptimize

or Exclude CSS from Autoptimize fields:

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Exclude CSS from Autoptimize

These options are available under JavaScript Options and CSS Options sections, respectively. Once done, save and test again.

Minify HTML, CSS, & JavaScript 

Minification is a smart way to make your website faster. It removes unnecessary characters like spaces, line breaks, and comments from your code. These characters are helpful for developers but aren’t necessary for the browser to load your site. By minifying your files, their size becomes smaller, which helps them load faster. 

For example, a regular CSS file might include spaces and comments to explain the code. Minification removes these extras, so only the essential code remains. The same applies to HTML and JavaScript files. 

You don’t need to do this manually. Tools and plugins, like W3 Total Cache can automatically minify your files with just a few clicks. This process doesn’t change how your website looks or functions; it speeds things up by reducing file sizes. Here’s how you can do it:

Go to WordPress DashboardPlugins Add New Plugin. Search for w3 total cache, install it, and activate the plugin.

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Install and Activate W3TotalCache

In your WordPress Dashboard, navigate to Performance General Settings. Scroll down to Minify. Here, switch to Basic Settings and click Enable to enable minify.

Set Minify Mode to Auto (this allows the plugin to configure the settings automatically). Next, click the dropdown arrow next to the Save Settings button, then click Save Settings & Purge Caches.

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Enable Minify Using W3TotalCache

Optionally, you can customize minification. To do this, go to Performance Minify to fine-tune your settings. Scroll down to HTML & XML. Enable HTML minify settings to remove spaces, comments, and line breaks from HTML.

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Minify HTML

Locate the CSS section below the HTML settings. Enable CSS minify settings to minify CSS files.

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Minify CSS

Then, scroll down to the JS (JavaScript) section and enable JavaScript minify settings. This will reduce the size of JavaScript files by removing unnecessary characters.

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Minify JavaScript

Next, set the Embed Type for JavaScript to Non-blocking using “defer” for better performance.

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Set Embed Type

You may also add any files or pages you want to exclude (if required) in the Never Minify the following section.

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Never Minify Section

After configuring your settings, click Save Settings & Purge Caches at the top of the page. This will ensure the minified versions of the files are being used.

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Save Changes

Now, test your website. If something doesn’t look right, go back to the Minify settings. Add problem files to the Never Minify the Following section under HTML, CSS, or JavaScript.

Enable Lazy Loading for Images 

Lazy loading is a smart feature that helps your website load faster. Instead of loading all images at once when someone visits your site, lazy loading only loads images when required, for instance, when a user scrolls down to see them.

This initially reduces the time it takes for your page to load because the browser isn’t overwhelmed by downloading every image immediately. When less HTTP requests are made at the start, your website’s speed and user experience improves. 

Starting with WordPress 5.5, native lazy loading for images is supported through the HTML loading attribute. If you’re looking for additional methods to enable lazy loading, like for video files or various media types, you can use plugins like Smush or Lazy Load by WP Rocket.

These tools automatically defer image loading below the fold (the part of the page users can’t see initially). This means visitors can start interacting with your content faster, and the rest of the images will appear as they scroll. 

For this tutorial example, we use Smush:

First, install and activate the Smush plugin. The process is the same as we learned in the previous two sections. Once the plugin is activated, navigate to Smush Lazy Load in the left-hand menu of your WordPress Dashboard. Toggle the switch to enable Lazy Load for various media types. 

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Choose What Media Type to Lazy Load

By default, Smush will lazy load all images, but you can customize this to specific media outputs too.

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Choose Output Locations

You may also disable lazy loading for certain posts, pages, or image classes in the Include/Exclude section.

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Enable or Disable Lazy Loading

You can adjust other settings, such as Display & Animation and Native lazy load. Once configured, click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.

Now, open your browser, type your website’s URL (domain name), and scroll down to see how images load as you scroll. You can also use Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to confirm that lazy loading is active and reduce HTTP requests.

Important: If using a caching plugin, clear your cache to ensure the new lazy loading feature is applied.

Remove Unnecessary Images & Optimize the Rest

Images can make your website more appealing and user-friendly when used correctly. They add value and keep visitors engaged. However, every image on your site creates a separate HTTP request. If you have pictures that don’t add value, remove them to minimize the number of HTTP requests. 

Ask yourself whether you need a high-resolution background image on every page. It may look great, but you should consider if the visual impact is worth the potential slower loading time. Always evaluate the trade-offs before adding extra images to your website.

Lastly, don’t forget to resize and compress the images you keep. While this won’t reduce the number of HTTP requests, it will make each one smaller. Smaller files load faster, which improves your site’s performance.  For this, you can refer to our following detailed tutorial:

WordPress Image Optimization Techniques For Faster Loading

Deactivate Unused Plugins

Another way to reduce HTTP requests is to remove unnecessary plugins. Every active plugin on your WordPress site can add extra HTTP requests. These requests often come from stylesheets, scripts, or other files the plugin has loaded. If you have too many active plugins, it can slow down your site and affect its performance. 

Here are two key factors to consider for optimizing your site:

  1. The Number of Installed Plugins: Too many plugins can add unnecessary HTTP requests. Deactivate and remove any plugins you aren’t actively using.
  2. The CPU Load of Plugins: Some plugins consume lots of resources, creating additional HTTP requests.

To reduce unnecessary HTTP requests, start by reviewing your installed plugins. Deactivate the ones that aren’t essential for your website’s functionality. For example, if you have plugins for features you no longer use, like a social share widget or an old SEO tool, you should deactivate and delete them at Plugins Installed Plugins.

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Delete Plugin(s)

The Query Monitor plugin is an excellent tool for identifying resource-intensive plugins. It helps you check which plugins use the most resources, simplifying pinpointing and addressing potential issues.

After installing and activating this plugin, click Query Monitor in the admin bar to open the performance report. Navigate to Database Queries Queries by Component.

This displays queries grouped by their source, including themes and plugins. Look for plugins with lots of database queries or unusually long query times.

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Identify Resource-intensive Plugin

In Query Monitor review Hooks and Actions to see which plugins are running resource-heavy actions. Check Scripts for JavaScript or CSS files loaded by plugins that might slow your site.

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Check Scripts Section

Take note of plugins with high resource usage. Cross-reference these findings with the features they provide to determine whether they are essential to your site. Once classified as unnecessary or resource-intensive plugins, deactivate them to test performance improvements. If you notice improvement, delete those plugins.

Furthermore, avoid plugins that run ongoing processes, take too long to load, and make external requests to other websites. For instance, social media plugins are often culprits because they depend on constant communication between your site and the social platforms. Whenever possible, try to minimize or avoid using plugins.

Stick to plugins that add value to your site, and you’ll notice a positive impact on your site’s speed and performance. By carefully managing your plugins, you can significantly reduce HTTP requests and improve your site’s performance.

Limit External Scripts

External scripts are code your site loads from other websites, like ads, social media widgets, or analytics tools. While these scripts can add useful features, they also create extra HTTP requests that ultimately impact your website’s speed and make it less efficient.

To keep your site fast, only use essential external scripts. For example, if you’re using multiple ad networks, social sharing plugins, or embedded videos and widgets, ask yourself if all are necessary. Reducing the number of scripts ensures your site stays lean and loads quickly for visitors.

You can review your external scripts with tools like the Asset CleanUp plugin. Only keep the scripts that benefit your site directly, such as one analytics tool or a must-have widget. This way, you’ll balance functionality with speed, creating a better user experience.

Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is an efficient delivery service for your website. Instead of loading your site’s content from a single server, a CDN stores copies of your files on multiple servers worldwide. When a user visits your site, the CDN serves the content from the server closest to them. This reduces the distance the data travels, making your site load faster.

Using a CDN speeds up your website and reduces the load on your main server. It can handle spikes in traffic better and make your website more reliable for visitors.

To implement a CDN, you can use services like Cloudflare. Many of these tools integrate easily with WordPress and don’t require technical expertise to set up. Adding a CDN boosts your site’s performance and creates a smoother user experience.

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Do all WordPress plugins increase HTTP requests?

Not all plugins add HTTP requests, but many do, especially if they include extra stylesheets or scripts. To reduce HTTP requests, deactivate plugins you don’t need and choose lightweight ones for essential features.

Can reducing HTTP requests affect my site’s design or functionality?

If done correctly, reducing HTTP requests won’t break your site. Combining files, minifying code, and optimizing images are safe methods. Ensure you test your site after making changes to ensure everything works properly.

Is a CDN necessary to reduce HTTP requests?

A CDN doesn’t directly reduce the number of HTTP requests; it speeds up how quickly those requests are processed by distributing your content globally. It’s a great tool for improving your site’s performance, especially if you have global visitors.

How do I reduce page requests?

To reduce page requests, start by optimizing your website. Combine CSS and JavaScript files, enable lazy loading for images, and use plugins to minify your code. Deactivate unused plugins and themes, limit external scripts and implement a CDN to speed up file delivery. These steps help minimize unnecessary HTTP requests and improve your site’s loading time.

How do lazy loading images reduce HTTP requests?

Lazy loading only loads images when they’re visible on the screen. This means fewer HTTP requests are made when a user first visits the page, speeding up the initial load time and saving server resources.

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