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Installing a RapidSSL Certificate is a practical approach to improve the security of your website by using SSL/TLS encryption. Any online business or organization needs to protect sensitive data and uphold user confidence in the war against cyberattacks.

In this guide, we will provide steps on how to install a Certificate.

Installing a RapidSSL Certificate In 10 Steps

1. Purchase the Certificate

Before installing a RapidSSL Certificate, you need to purchase one from an authorized SSL provider. Bear in mind Hosted.com customers get a free SSL Certificate on some of our cPanel Web Hosting plans.

2. Generate a CSR (Certificate Signing Request)

Log in to your hosting control panel or server where you plan to install the SSL Certificate.

  1. A CSR is an encoded file that gives you a consistent method of sending your public key and some identifying information about your domain name and business to the appropriate Certificate Authority (CA).
  2. Go to the SSL/TLS settings on your dashboard and create a CSR. Don’t forget to include the necessary details, including your domain name and organization name.
  3. The common name (e.g., www.example.com), organization name and location (country, state/province, city/town), key type, and key size (2048-bit minimum) are the most common questions asked by server software when generating a CSR.
  4. Refer to our KB for full details on How To Generate A Certificate Signing Request (CSR) For An SSL.
    3. Configure/Validate the Certificate

    To purchase the RapidSSL certificate, use the generated CSR. To prove that you are the domain owner, you will have to go through a validation process.

    4. Receive the Certificate

    The CA will send you the SSL Certificate files after validation. Usually a certificate file (.crt), any intermediate CA Certificates, and a CA bundle file is sent in a ZIP file.

    5. Install the Certificate

    Re-login to the server or hosting control panel. Find the SSL Certificate installation option by navigating to the SSL/TLS settings.

    6. Upload the Certificate Files

    Upload the Certificate files that the CA sent you. Normally you can upload the files straight from the Certificate file or enter their contents into a text field.

    7. Install Intermediate Certificates (if applicable)

    Be sure to install any intermediate CA Certificates or CA bundles that come with your certificate package. This aids in creating a trust chain that connects the root CA to your SSL Certificate.

    8. Restart Services

    To implement the modifications, you might need to restart your web server (such as Apache or Nginx) or other pertinent services, depending on your server configuration.

    9. Verify Installation

    After installation, use HTTPS to visit your website to confirm that the SSL Certificate was installed correctly. To make sure the certificate is installed correctly and is genuine, you can utilize online SSL checkers.

    10. Set Up Auto-Renewal (Optional)

    Most SSL Certificates have a time limit on them, which is typically one year. Set up reminders or notifications for your Certificate so that it renews itself before it expires to guarantee continuous security.

      It’s important to note that specific steps for installing an SSL Certificate may vary depending on your hosting provider, server configuration, and the control panel you’re using. You can refer to documentation provided by your SSL provider and hosting service for detailed instructions tailored to your setup.

      By using RapidSSL Certificates, you can fortify your website against cyber threats, build trust with your audience, and ensure the integrity of your online presence.

      Additional Information:

      RapidSSL vs. Traditional SSL Certificates

      RapidSSL Certificates and regular SSL certificates serve the same fundamental purpose which is to encrypt data transmitted between a website and its visitors, thereby securing sensitive information, and protecting against unauthorized access. However, these are some differences between RapidSSL Certificates and other types of SSL Certificates, namely:

      Issuance Time

      RapidSSL Certificates are swiftly issued, typically within minutes of domain ownership verification. In contrast, other SSL Certificates may take longer, ranging from hours to days.


      RapidSSL Certificates mainly offer domain validation, verifying domain ownership without extensive organization or individual validation. Other SSLs validate more details.


      RapidSSL Certificates are cost-effective, catering to small businesses and individuals with budget constraints, while more sophisticated SSLs are more expensive.


      While some SSL providers offer warranty coverage, RapidSSL Certificates usually come with lower coverage compared to other types.

      Browser Compatibility

      RapidSSL Certificates enjoy broad support across major web browsers. However, other SSL Certificates, particularly EV certificates, may offer wider compatibility and recognition across various browsers and devices.

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