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This guide shows you how to create an Outlook 2010 email signature for a more professional appearance for your emails. However, please be aware that this version is no longer supported, and updating to the latest version is advisable for better functionality and security. 

Step-by-Step Guide To Setting Up An Outlook 2010 Email Signature

Since Outlook 2010 is outdated, we recommend you switch to a more recent version. The process for setting up email signatures may differ slightly in newer versions, but the overall steps are quite similar. 

1. Open Outlook 2010 on your computer.

2. Click on File in the upper left corner of the window.

3. Choose Options to open the Outlook Options window from the menu that appears.

4. In the Outlook Options window, click Mail in the left sidebar to go to Mail Settings.

5. Click on Signatures; this will bring up the Signatures and Stationery dialog box.

Email Signature in Outlook 2010 - Click On Signatures

6. Since there are currently no signatures, click New to create a new signature.

Email Signature in Outlook 2010 - Create New Signature

7. Enter a name for your new signature in the dialog box that appears, then click Ok.

Email Signature in Outlook 2010 - Add Name

8. In the provided text box, type the content for your signature. This can include your name, job title, company name, contact details, or any other relevant information you wish to include.

8. Once you’ve completed your signature, click Ok.

Email Signature in Outlook 2010 - Finalize Signature

9. Now, click Ok in the Signatures and Stationery dialog box to return to the main Outlook window.

Adding Your Signature To Emails

1. To add your signature while composing an email, start a new message by clicking on New Email.

2. In the message window, navigate to Message.

3. Click on Signature in the Include group.

Email Signature in Outlook 2010 - Add Signature To Mails

4. From the dropdown menu, select your newly created signature. 

That’s it! You have successfully set up your email signature in Outlook 2010, and it can now be easily added to any email you send.

Email Signature in Outlook 2010 - Setup Complete

Additional Information

While setting up an email signature in Outlook 2010 can enhance your professional communication, transitioning to a newer version of Microsoft Outlook will provide you with improved features and security benefits. For assistance with upgrading or setting up email signatures in more recent versions of Outlook, feel free to contact our support team at Hosted.com. By taking these steps, you’ll ensure your email communications are professional, secure, and reliable. 

Best Practices for Creating an Email Signature

  • Default Signatures: If you want your signature to appear automatically in all new emails or replies, set it as a default by going back into the Signatures settings and selecting it under Choose default signature.
  • Editing Your Signature: If you need to modify your signature later, return to the Signatures settings, select your signature from the list, and make changes in the text box provided.
  • Formatting Options: You can format your signature using various font styles and sizes in the editing box. Consider using bold or italic text for emphasis where appropriate.
  • Including Links: To add hyperlinks (e.g., a link to your website), highlight the text you want to link and click the hyperlink button (usually represented by a globe icon). Enter the URL in the dialog box that appears.
  • Legal Disclaimers: If applicable, consider adding a legal disclaimer at the end of your signature; this is especially important if you work in regulated industries or handle sensitive information.
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