This tutorial will cover hos to manage files in WinSCP and the different methods to manage them between your computer and a remote server. It assumes you already have WinSCP running and are connected to the server.
* Download WinSCP from website, a free file manager for Windows.
The steps for managing files and folders in WinSCP are generally the same whether you’re working with local files or remote files on the server. This includes creating new folders (directories), renaming, and deleting them, and changing file permissions.
Table of Contents
Manage Files In WinSCP
Creating a New Folder/Directory
1. In the remote tab, navigate to the location where you want to create the new folder.
2. Click on “F7 Create Directory” or “New Folder”.

3. Enter the desired name for the new folder and click “OK.”

Note: While creating directories is a remote action, some WinSCP versions might offer a local “Create Directory” button for creating a folder on your computer.

Renaming a Folder
1. Select the folder you want to rename in the local or remote panel.
2. Click on “F2 Rename” or right-click and choose “Rename”.

3. Type the new name for the folder and press “Enter.”

Deleting a Folder or File
1. Select the file or folder you want to delete in the relevant panel.

2. Click on “F8 Delete” or right-click and choose “Delete”.

3. WinSCP will prompt you to confirm deleting the file or folder.
4. Click “OK” to confirm.
Changing File Permissions
1. Navigate to the Remote Panel and select the file (e.g., changelog.txt) you want to change permissions for.

2. Click on “F9 Properties” or right-click and choose “Properties”.

4. Check or uncheck the appropriate boxes to set the permissions.

5. Click “OK” to save the changes.

6. You can see the properties have been changed under the Rights column on the Remote Server.

Additional Information:
File Transfers in WinSCP
WinSCP is an open-source free SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) client application – a file manager for Windows supporting. SFTP uses SSH (Secure Shell) encryption to securely transfer files between systems. SFTP is considered a more secure alternative to the traditional FTP (File Transfer Protocol). When you use SFTP, your data is encrypted using SSH, ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential during transfer.
SSH is a widely used security protocol for securely administering remote servers and enabling secure data transferred between computers and remote servers over networks. It works in a WinSCP allows for easy file transfer between your local machine and the remote server. It provides an easy-to-use interface with features like drag-and-drop, URL integration, shortcut icons, and jump lists. WinSCP simplifies the process of downloading and uploading files to and from a remote server and your local machine (computer) similar to CuteFTP and SmartFTP. Additionally, you can edit files directly on the server using the integrated text editor.
Local vs. Remote Actions in WinSCP
WinSCP uses two panels to display your local computer’s files and the remote server’s files. This distinction is crucial when performing actions on files.
Local actions are performed on files and folders in your computer. The local panel allows you to navigate and select your local files for transfer or management. You can create, rename, delete, and manage files just like in Windows File Explorer.
Local file management in WinSCP is mainly for selecting files for transfer or using them with remote actions, for example uploading a local file to the server.
Remote actions are performed on files and folders located on the remote server you’re connected to. The remote panel displays the structure and contents of the server, allowing you to select files and folders for actions performed on the server side.
While similar to local actions, WinSCP offers additional functionalities specific to remote servers, such as uploading/downloading files, changing permissions, and creating directories.
Related Knowledgebase Articles:
– How To Configure A Site In WinSCP