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When you are using a Hosted.com’s cPanel Web Hosting solution, the best way to maintain your website files’ order is by using the cPanel Index Manager. You can easily manage how directories are indexed and displayed on your website, ensuring security, and control for yourself and improving the online experience for your website’s visitors.

NOTE: By default, if an index file is not present in a directory, the directory’s contents are listed in the user’s browser.

This tutorial will cover the login process for new users, or you can click the link to go straight to cPanel in the Contents below:

Using cPanel Index Manager

Let’s show you how to use cPanel’s Index Manager, by following the steps below:

1. Access the Index Manager from your cPanel Dashboard. Navigate to the “Advanced”  section of cPanel. The Index Manager icon should be there. Click on “Index Manager” to proceed.

Use The cPanel Index Manager - cPanel Dashboard

2. Choose a Directory

  • From the Index Manager home screen, you will be able to view a list of directories.
  • Click on the directory whose index settings you want to modify.
Use The cPanel Index Manager - Indexes

3. Select an Index Option by setting one of the following options for any directory:

  • Inherit – In this option, the setting of the parent directory is used. The system will utilize its default settings if the index settings are not defined in the parent directory.
  • No Indexing – Specifies that a directory listing (with no files displayed) won’t be shown in the absence of an index file.
  • Show Filename Only – Displays a simple list of files present if the default file is missing.
  • Show Filename & Description – Shows a list of files along with their attributes (file size and type).
Use The cPanel Index Manager - Set Indexing

NOTE: If any type of index file (e.g., index.php, index.htm, or index.html) exists in a directory, the user will see that index file regardless of the indexing option set for the directory.

5. Save Your Changes

  • After selecting the desired indexing option, click “Save”.
  • The new setting should take effect immediately.

By following these steps, you now can effectively use cPanel’s Index Manager.

Additional Information:

Benefits Of Using cPanel’s Index Manager

The Index Manager in cPanel can be used for several purposes. These include:

Enhancing Website Security

By setting directories to “No Indexing”, you can prevent unauthorized access to the contents of those directories, adding a layer of added security to sensitive directories.

Customizing Directory Listings

When users visit directories directly on a web browser, the way they are displayed can be customized using Index Manager. This enables you to add more information or change the way directory listings look to fit the style of your website better.

Improving User Experience

You can offer website visitors a better experience by adjusting directory indexing settings. To make it simpler to browse your website, you can configure default index pages to appear automatically when someone opens a directory.

Managing Content Distribution

If you have a directory with files that you wish to share with other people, you can set the access settings for the directory with Index Manager. You have the option of showing a list of files or offering download links for certain files.

Compliance with Regulations

In some cases, regulatory requirements or company policies may dictate how certain content should be accessed or displayed. You can set up directory indexing settings in the Index Manager to ensure these specifications are met.

For more information, visit Hosted.com’s cPanel web hosting plans.

Login to Hosted.com

First, you must be logged in to your Hosted.com Account.

Hosted.com Login Page

1. Login to your Hosted.com account with your username and password.

Hosted.com Client Portal - Dashboard

Login to cPanel from Hosted.com Dashboard

2. Click on “Manage Services”.

Hosted.com Client Portal - Manage Services

3. Our example uses the Hosted.com WordPress Hosting package. Select “WordPress Hosting” from the drop-down menu.

Hosted.com Client Portal - WordPress Hosting

4. Click “Manage” on the right of the screen

Hosted.com Client Portal - Manage WordPress Hosting

5. In “Product Information” followed by “Control Panel” you will see cPanel on the right

6. Click “Login”.

Hosted.com Client Portal - cPanel Logged In

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