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In this tutorial, you will learn how to manage storage on your Hosted.com’s cPanel Web Hosting account using the cPanel Disk Space Usage Tool.

Website owners and administrators need to know how much disk space their servers are using. Whether you’re running an e-commerce site, a personal blog, or a sophisticated online application, all of these require effective disk management to function at peak efficiency and avoid unforeseen problems.

The Disk Space Usage tool in cPanel is a valuable resource for optimizing your website’s performance and mitigating storage-related issues.

This tutorial assumes you have logged in to your Hosted.com Account and have accessed cPanel.

How To Use The cPanel Disk Space Usage Tool

Now let’s show you how to use the Disk Space Usage tool.

1. Click “Disk Space Usage” under the Files section. Here, you can view how much storage space, or disk space, is being used by each directory and sub-directory in your account.

Use The cPanel Disk Space Usage Tool - cPanel Dashboard

2. At the bottom of the page, you will find a collapsible list of directories. Click on a plus sign and it will expand the directory to reveal the specific files and folders within it.

Use The cPanel Disk Space Usage Tool - Disk Space Usage Directories

3. Clicking an actual folder name will launch File Manager, showing the contents of that folder.

Use The cPanel Disk Space Usage Tool - File Manager Settings

4. You can choose to sort the folders by Name, or by Disk Usage.

Use The cPanel Disk Space Usage Tool - Disk Space Usage

You’ve reached the end of the tutorial. Now you know how to use the Disk Space Usage tool to see a breakdown of where all your files are stored.

Additional Information:

Benefits of using cPanel’s Disk Space Usage Tool

There are several reasons why you might use the Disk Space Usage tool in cPanel. These include:

Identifying Large Files or Directories

The tool helps you determine which directories or files on your hosting account are using up the most disk space. This tool gives you an idea of what content is taking up space and whether any files should be optimized or deleted.

Managing Disk Usage

The program lets you effectively manage your disk usage if you’re getting close to the disk space restriction on your hosting account. You may prevent going over your storage allotment by finding big files or superfluous data and clearing up space.

Optimizing Website Performance

The speed of your website may be impacted by large files or directories because they slow downloading times. Using the Disk Space Usage tool, you can enhance user experience and optimize website speed by locating and eliminating unnecessary files.

Preventing Overages

Disk space usage is limited in many hosting services. By using the program to track your disk space consumption regularly, you can avoid overages and further fees from your hosting provider.

Troubleshooting Issues

If you experience problems with your website or server performance, the Disk Space Usage tool can assist you in determining whether disk space is a contributing factor. You can easily ascertain whether your disk consumption is within typical bounds or whether there has been an unusual spike that requires attention.

Login to Hosted.com Account

1. Go to the Hosted.com Login website page.

How To Login To cPanel - Login in to Hosted.com Account

2. Enter your Email and Password and click the “Sign In” button.

3. You will see the Hosted.com Dashboard, displaying the Manage Account menu on the left and your Account Information, Account Overview and Open Support Tickets on the right.

How To Login To cPanel - Hosted.com Dashboard

Login in to cPanel from your Hosted.com Dashboard

4. Click on “Manage Services” to view the sub-dropdown menu and select the hosting package for the domain you want to work with – in our example we are using WordPress Hosting.

5. Click the “Manage” button to the right of the domain name you want to access.

How To Login To cPanel - Manage Services WordPress

6. The display will now show Product Information, Quick Manage, Resource Usage and Site Statistics for that domain name.

How To Login To cPanel - Manage WordPress Hosting

7. Under “Product Information”, scroll down to “Control Panel”, which will display cPanel to the right, and click on the “Login” button.

8. The cPanel Dashboard will now be displayed.

How To Login To cPanel - cPanel Dashboard

Login To cPanel Online

1. Visit your cPanel URL, either supplied to you through your web host or attained through other sign-up methods.

2. Enter your Username

3. Then enter your Password and click “Log in”.

How To Login To cPanel - cPanel Login

That’s it! You are now logged in to cPanel, and can begin to set up email addresses, parked domains, databases, shopping carts, and dozens of other features!

4. To log out of cPanel, click the User Menu icon on the top right and click “Log Out”.

How To Login To cPanel - cPanel Login
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